
The 2024 Outdoor Lawn Bowls Season is  drawing to a close with just a handful of League Games to be played.

BUT !!!!

********NEW for 2024/5********

The Club is pleased announce a new venture starting Saturday 5th October 2024

Indoor Short Mat Bowls at Shiptonthorpe Village Hall  2pm to 4pm

Existing  and new members welcomed, plus anyone in the local neighbourhood that is interested.  Come along for a chat see what we are doing on a Saturday afternoon.

(Please enquire of the Club Secretary for the price for playing or just tea and refreshments)



       Social Members.                                 Saturday afternoon  and other afternoons/evenings to suit, no booking required

       Non Playing Social Members            Ideal for those who just enjoy the company and meeting other like minded

       Juniors (under 18yrs old)                  New Members have a years Free Membership for the first year, please enqu                          Full Membership.                                Enabling members to play both Social Bowls and League Games                                            







    Matches for the summer season are;

    •  HSA Pairs League team, Tuesday Evening
    •  Veterans Driffield League, Wednesday Afternoon 
    •  HSA Triples League team, Thursday Evening


    The Club is affiliated to HSA Bowling and Driffield Veterans League



    Social Bowls on Saturday Afternoons has been very successful in 2024 with good attendance throughout the season and will be having the end of season game followed by a BBQ on 31st August.

    Please book your place if you have not already done so.



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